Saturday 26 February 2011

Locked Areas!

Hi! Have you ever been to the Sarapia Forest and seen that locked house like thing near the game, "Wind Rider?" I am trying to figure out if there will be any way of getting in there, but even if you do have a membership it's still impossible! If you have any ideas about it, feel free to post it on the comments.

Thanks a lot!

Chat box

Hi this chat box is only for animaljam related conversations. So no talking about your personal life or how old you are. Thanks! :)

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

Friday 25 February 2011

Things in AJ

Hi! This website is mainly for help with a game called "AnimalJam" It's my favourite game currently, and the link to it is Anyway, please support my website. I am working on it and trying to make sure it turns out OK. Have any ideas? Post them on the comments :D Thanks!

-Little Rainystar

New furniture items!!!
If you've been playing animal jam lately, there's new furniture items! One's at the store in the Temple of Zios. Since it's Shaman week, it's a statue of the panda shaman! It's really cool! At the normal fusniture store, there is now a cute bird feeder. It made my house look really good, so I am sure it will make yours look good too!